I'm writing this as I fly back to Toronto on the flight from Calgary. My travel time from London turned out to be quite long, only because the ticket was so cheap. (time vs. money conundrum of course)
So, what better time than to write out some of the things I've learned in the last 10 days and answer the questions I posed to myself in the last post.
Why did I do this trip?
The answer is simply because I wanted to. What better time than the present to fly to whatever destination your heart desires. I have no major obligations or responsibilities, ample time and tons of energy. I think the experience was far richer because I travelled solo. I met amazing people in every city I hit, and took every mode of transportation available. This trip was of course a giant sampling of what Europe really has to offer. One day I would like to move there to do a brief stint, depending on how things shape up in UK. Germany would be a great option as well.
How was Solo backpacking?
It's funny, but when I would tell people I met that I'm by myself they would often react "Wow?! Really?". Many assume that travelling alone can be lonely or it's better to go with someone that will provide support. I say, nay! Knowing that it's you vs. the world is an extremely exhilarating feeling and there will always be help for those who seek it. Next time, I'll go for a longer duration and be sure to keep the things I've learned in mind.
Would I recommend others do it as well? Absolutely!
Was it life changing? No.
Did I learn a lot? You Bet!
Would I do it all over again? Yes x100!
What I've learned.
This segways nicely into my final point and most important. What did I learn?
- The problems of the individual person are the same, no matter what corner of the globe you go to. Everybody dreams of adventure, faces pressures from home and feels the same things. Emotions are universal, they transcend language, race or religion.
- Avoid tourist traps, and get a local in the city to show you around. It's a much more effective use of time. Big Shout Out to everybody that showed me around. :)
- Being okay with being by myself. I think this is the biggest one. Travelling solo forces you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Could I have gone with a student group (e.g contiki tours etc.), yes. I think walking around a giant city by yourself has it's own charm. You set the itinerary, decide who you want to talk to and plan your own adventure. I wouldn't have had it any other way!
That's it folks! I hope you have enjoyed reading through my posts, I welcome any comments, feedback or questions you may have for me. You can find me on Facebook or send me an email!
I am definitely feeling morose about heading back home. The sights, sounds and people of every city I've been to will be sorely missed. At the same time there's so many new things coming up ahead, I can't wait to jump in.
Signing off, until the next adventure.